Master Plan & New Hospital
UR Medicine | St. James Hospital
This project modernized the community hospital experience for a 130-year-old rural healthcare institution. Now an affiliate of the University Rochester Medical Center (URMC), St. James Hospital’s (SJH) roots in healthcare grew from a small, rural farmhouse. Over the past century plus it has witnessed an ever-changing healthcare environment.
Our firm’s relationship with SJH spans over twenty years. During that time, we identified the need to develop a comprehensive strategic vision for the hospital, resulting in three master plan options: a gut/renovation of the existing facility; relocation of the entire campus; or the creation of a new Ambulatory Care Center. The estimated constructions costs of each option were beyond the hospital’s financial resources at the time and the project went dormant.
In 2016, SJH received the NYS Essential Health Care Provider Support Program Grant, allowing the long-awaited project to kick-off. In addition, SJH developed a partnership with UR Medicine and became part of their expansive network. The dream of a modern, rural hospital campus took shape. Our collective endeavor resulted in UR Medicine | St James Hospital, which opened in March 2020.
Programs include: Emergency, Imaging, Laboratory, Medical/Surgical, Surgery, Central Sterile Processing, Pharmacy, Gift Shop, Kitchen & Cafeteria, and various support spaces.
Master Plan
One Brooklyn Health System | Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center
One Brooklyn Health System (OBHS) is the Active Parent and NYS Department of Health approved co-operator of Brookdale University Hospital and Medical Center, Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center and Interfaith Medical Center. Over many years of continuous engagement with OBHS at the System’s individual campuses, Razak provided informal Master Plans and consulting for OBHS, which were instrumental in the development of the successful Health Care Facility Transformation Plan Grant Application, which will renovate facilities infrastructure and departments at each campus, ambulatory centers, as well as upgrade infrastructure, purchase new medical equipment, and upgrade the informational technology.
Razak Associates is working with Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center to develop a comprehensive strategic vision for the healthcare system that will create the best possible use of existing space and plan to achieve desired adjacencies between departments across the campus buildings.
UNY Upstate Nappi Wellness Institute
Syracuse, NY
Razak Associates, as a sub-consultant, worked with Stantec on this premier facility. After a grant award, the State University of New York Upstate Medical University constructed a 200,000 SF health and wellness center located within the main campus in Syracuse, NY. The design concept was to create a “best-in-class” clinical and teaching environment that creates spaces conducive to idea sharing, research and innovation.
Programs include Primary Care, Geriatrics, University Internists, Adult Medicine, Family Medicine, Pediatric Primary Care, Immune Health Services, Refugee Services, Dental, Women’s Health, Breast Center & Women’s Imaging, Specialty Care, Cardiology, Pulmonary, Behavioral Health, Urgent Care, Clinical Research Lab, Wellness Center, Retail (Cafeteria, Pharmacy, and Optical), Imaging, Lab, Staff Collaboration, and support spaces.
Pierre Toussaint Primary Care and Urgent Care Renovation
One Brooklyn Health System | Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center
Brooklyn, NY
One Brooklyn Health System (OBHS) wanted to renovate the Pierre Toussaint Health Center, a neighborhood-based facility in Central Brooklyn, providing primary care, women’s health, behavioral health, HIV, and other specialized healthcare services. The facility is operated by Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center, as part of the One Brooklyn Health System.
The total project area was 10,400 GSF, including 2,285 GSF for an urgent care space on the first floor and 8,155 GSF for a primary care on the second floor.
Psychiatric Inpatient Unit Renovation
One Brooklyn Health System | Interfaith Medical Center
Brooklyn, NY
One Brooklyn Health System (OBHS) wanted to modernize the 8th floor Psychiatric Inpatient Unit to current design standards and improve patient care and safety.
The new Psychiatric Unit accommodates 48 patients, in two 24-bed units, with accompanying support space. Future psychiatric patients will be higher-acuity, and providing eleven semi-private rooms and two private rooms on each unit provides some clinical flexibility.
The new space was designed to be safe and secure, minimizing the potential for one to harm themselves or others. In addition, special attention was given to reduce stressors such as noise and harsh lighting, while including positive distractions such as daylight, views, and artwork. A warm welcoming environment promotes calmness and enhances problem solving. In addition, the floor is now 100% ADA compliant, creating an environment that reduces barriers, encouraging patient independence and recovery.
Emergency Department Addition
Newark-Wayne Community Hospital
Newark, New York
This design and master planning solution will increase capacity, improve community perception of the hospital, update and modernize the facility, improve access and privacy, reduce wait times, and provide for future growth.
The focus of this re-branding effort is the replacement of the outdated Emergency Department. The Razak team convinced the hospital administration that the best approach was to build the new Emergency addition at a different location from the current location and move the services upon completion of construction. This will allow services to continue uninterrupted and result in an overall saving in construction as well as phasing costs.
Ambulatory Care Facility
University of Rochester Medical Center
Rochester, New York
These multi-phased projects are carefully managed to create and modify patient care areas, procedure rooms, and staff support spaces, while maintaining the ongoing operations of each department. Their previous spaces had become inadequate for patient load and lacked the functionality needed for patient care.
Razak Associates has been providing complete architectural services, including code studies, DOH CON submittals, Design Development, Construction Documentation, construction cost estimates, specifications, and Construction Administration for ACF department renovations.
Tower Fine Arts Amphitheatre
SUNY, College at Brockport
Brockport, New York
Razak Associates provided conceptual design services for The College at Brockport’s future Tower of Fine Arts Amphitheatre. This amphitheatre would be located to the north of the Tower Fine Arts Building, accommodate seating of approximately 250 to 300 people; and incorporate a stage of approximately 20’ X 25’. The concept of this amphitheatre is a key component of the campus plan to provide an outside venue for performances, lectures and informal gatherings by creating a functionally active and visually stimulating space. The enhancement to this space will provide a better connection to the canal and also strengthen the north south axis of the campus.
Farmhouse Homestead
Private Residence
Karjat, India
This 20-acre land development project is focused on using “green technology” to produce a sustainable landscape. Rainwater harvesting, organic farming, and harnessing biofuel and solar energy are a few of the elements that form the core of the design program. Razak Associates provided Landscape Architecture design services, including site planning, site grading, horticultural plans, site design details, guidelines, and specifications.
Pedestrian Access Bridge
SUNY, College at Brockport
Brockport, New York
This pedestrian access structure comprised of stairs, elevator and a balcony overlooking the proposed landscaped plaza will form the terminus of a major north-south circulation route of the SUNY Brockport campus.
The structure along with the plaza will create a prominently visible identity and an important landmark for the campus. Razak is providing professional design services in architecture, civil engineering, site design and landscape design.
Razak Associates has designed spaces at various medical facilities for the renovation of imaging suites. Projects have included Cardiac Catheterization (Cath) Laboratories, Electrophysiology (EP) Laboratories, X-Ray, Endoscopy, Mammography, Linear Accelerator (LINAC), and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). We have also designed for the expansion of a Surgery Department, consisting of (12) New specialized Operating Rooms, including Angiography Operating Room, Trauma Operating Room, Cardio-Thoracic Operating Room, Liver Transplant Operating Room, and Orthopedic Operating Room.
Eastman institute for Oral Health Renovations (EIOH)
University of Rochester Medical Center
Rochester, New York
The Eastman Institute of Oral Health is continuing a century old tradition of providing state of the art dental care for the underserved population of the Rochester Community. The original facility was dedicated in 1978, and recently underwent a series of rehabilitation projects in order to realize the Institute’s strategic vision.
Razak Associates tackled the first major hurdle for this project by facilitating the submission of a NYS HEAL Grant for $5 million. The secured funding was applied to programs around 20,000 SF, including an Urgent Care Center, entrance and lobby/atrium renovation, general dentistry, pediatric dentistry, orthodontics, periodontology/ prosthodontics, and various building upgrades.
Phase II of renovations included the design of a (7) operatory Special Needs Care Clinic on the 2nd level and the expansion of the adjacent Interdisciplinary Faculty Practice with the addition of (3) operatories. On the concourse level, a vacant lab area was renovated to provide educational support space and reference library for residents. On the 4th through 7th floors, several under-utilized laboratories were converted into administrative offices and support spaces.
University of Rochester Medical Center
Rochester, New York
Razak Associates has provided design for several research related renovations: a Surgery Skills Department renovation included a Dry Lab used for instructional activities using mannequins, computer simulators, and audio visual equipment to enhance both the teaching and learning environments; a Clinical Research Center (CRC) included patient areas, administrative areas, and laboratory space in which aesthetics, comfort, and public presentation were emphasized to provide an inviting atmosphere for volunteer research subjects; and a Tissue Typing Laboratory, which included a pre-PCR area, cellular testing and sample intake, a dark room, a technicians work area, flow cytometry, and post-PCR.